Wednesday, August 10, 2011

July 4, 2011

The 4th of July started out just like any other day, for me at least. I opened at Starbucks and then got home around 1 o'clock. I had called my parent's house while on lunch at work but did not get an answer, I was just calling to tell Mom happy 4th O'July, and chat with her like I did often when I didn't feel like being alone. She didn't answer. Dad was at the practice round for the US Women's Open at the Broadmoor, running a booth for fundraising for his high school golf team. 
I talked to dad around 4pm, he hadn't seen mom and was starting to get worried, because, as typical she was not answering her phone. When he called again at 6pm, he was really worried, therefore, I became very worried. I went upstairs and woke Greg my boyfriend, I was in tears already and wanted to help dad find her. Greg being the fantastic person he is, came with me, he wasn't about to let me panic on my own.
I called dad and we headed to Manitou, in the meantime dad was going to go check Grandma's house to see if the car was still there, since mom's car was at home.
When Greg and I got to Mm & Dad's I got out at the top of the driveway to go ask some neighbors if they had seen her. I went to Jackie Counselman first, she had not seen mom, but would keep her eyes open. As I was talking to Jackie, Todd called. He informed me that Dad had found Mom! She was alive but unconscious in the basement. I don't recall what I said to Todd at that point but I know I told him that I had to go and I was across the street at the Couselman's and needed to be with Dad. I ran down the drive way, with Greg hot on my heels, asking me what Todd had said. Greg went straight downstairs to aid Dad, since his CPR and First Aid were up to date, and I didn't think I'd be of any use. I was standing at the top of the stairs when Greg told me he couldn't tell if Dad had called 911. I immediately went upstairs to do this, since I knew the address and phone number. In hindsight, it turns out Dad, Greg and I all called 911.
When the fire truck and ambulance showed up Jackie helped direct them to the house and I began throwing things out of the stairwell so that the paramedics could get into the house and to Mom down in the basement. Because of the clutter in the house the medics had to leave the house through the basement door and walk around the house with mom strapped to the backboard. 
When my brother, Todd arrived mom was already in the ambulance and they were asking pertinent information from my Dad, who was obviously in shock. I Filled in the information I knew and told my Dad I would drive him to the hospital, Greg could drive my car and Todd would lead the way. We convened at the hospital and began the longest path of recovery I have ever been a part of.

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