Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tracheotomy & G Tube

One week and a day after Mom's stroke, she went into surgery for a tracheotomy, so that she could breath through her throat instead of through a tube going into her throat from her mouth. The doctors insisted that this surgery was necessary for Mom to make progress. This surgery would aide her in mobility later also. When Dad called me, he had just heard that the surgery was a success, barely. They had lost Mom twice, when she went into a-fib, but were able to "re-start" her heart both times. Dad was a wreck, so was I, Thankfully Todd and Greg are my saving grace, they are able to find the silver-lining of even the darkest cloud. Often this characteristic is helpful - especially during the darkest days.
When I saw Mom the first time after her first surgery I was excited to see more color in her cheeks, but still beside myself because of the countless times I felt that I took my Mom for granted, and now I was praying everyday for another chance to show her how much I love her and how much she means to me.
Thankfully,  the surgery for the gastric tube was much simpler and Mom pulled through easily, and now had no tubing in her mouth which solved the problem of gaging on the tubing ever-so-often and allowed Mom to rest through the night. Rest was one of the top priorities for her at this point.

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